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Our History

Louisville friends had its first outing at Rick's house on January 16, 1999. There were 4 people in attendance. We had sandwiches on fresh bread, and good conversation.

 The one and only rule to ever be adopted was voted on that night. That one and only rule is that we would respect each other’s anonymity. To date there has never been an incident where this has ever been a problem.

 In our first year we went to places like the Spaghetti factory, Jillian’s, Mammoth Cave, bowling, Churchill Downs, and various cookouts.

This spring we have gone to Churchill Downs (great seats too. they were under cover on the finish line btw) boating on Green River, and camping as well, with a wonderful dinner at Jillian’s, followed by an evening at Dillon's. With attendance having grown to outings of more than 3 times as the norm you should join us and see you are not alone. Come and meet the friends that you just have never met.

"You're not Alone"

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