Joining Louisville H Friends is easy!
If you want to see pics of our outings and read and post on our message board, then you need to join our Yahoo club.
To accomplish this you'll need a yahoo username and password. These are obtained when a person sets up a yahoo Email account. To do this just follow the directions below. You may want to consider printing this page before following the links though :-)
Go to the main page through this link . Once your there, look at the top right next to their big red logo is a link that says something like FREE EMAIL for life or Email, click on that and just follow the directions. During the process Yahoo will prompt you to pick a Username and a password for your Email account. Write these down and come back to this page.
Next click this link, it will take you to our Yahoo club and you join from there by simply clicking on the Join link, you'll be prompted for your yahoo username and password at this time.
Another way of joining is by simply signing
our guestbook and leaving us your email address. We'll email you and let you know that
an upcoming event has been posted on the homepage. The drawbacks are, you can't see pics
of our members and outings, nor can you post on the bulletin board.
I personally recommend joining through both methods :-)